406 pages | CRC; 1 edition (January 28, 2004) | 1591690218 | PDF |
6.8 Mb

Each chapter concludes with an excellent summary…This book could be very useful for and other engineers who have little background in the design or operation of the processes discussed…Highly recommended.
-K.I. Mumme, emeritus, University of Maine.
–Choice, September 2004

Product Description
and for Process Control presents the complex technologies of different manufacturing processes and the control used. The large variety of processes prohibits covering more than a few. However, most of the topics dicussed are applicable to a wider range of the manufacturing plant. Carefully selected diverse, but representative, examples show how fundamentally basic simpler elements or techniques can be coordinated and expanded into more control systems.

This book is valuable reference for all levels of prectitioners, engineers and personnel in related industries or applications.

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